Have you ever wondered…

What Does God Say About Drugs?

Robert Orem is a former addict who has spent years researching the Bible, drug use, and the occult in order to answer this very question. What he has discovered will amaze you.

Most people don’t know that the Bible refers to drug use at all. It does.  Dozens of times.  Jesus spoke about drug users twice.

There are 37 references to drug use and drug users in the Bible, and in Pharmakia: The Biblical View of Drug Use, Orem examines and explains them all.

You’ll learn about

  • the three Greek words found in early Bibles that refer to drug use and drug users.
  • when the Bible’s references to drug use were forgotten.
  • the use of drugs by Pharaoh’s magicians during the Exodus.
  • the use of drugs by Queen Jezebel and King Manasseh.
  • drug use in ancient Babylon during the time of Daniel.
  • the prophecies in Revelation that predict a global epidemic of drug use before Christ’s return.
  • what Jesus said about drug users and the Judgment.

You’ll not only discover what the Bible teaches about drugs, you’ll also see how it applies to drug users today. You’ll learn

  • how drugs are used in witchcraft and pagan religions.
  • how western youth were deceived into practicing witchcraft and idolatry with drugs in the 1960s.
  • the effects of the drugs commonly used today.
  • how and why drugs expose people to demons.
  • the signs of demonic influence in modern drug users.
  • how God makes it possible for anyone to stop using.

The Bible teaches that drug use is a form of witchcraft that can expose people to demons. That’s the bad news.

The Good News is God loves drug users and addicts, and the Bible also teaches that he sets us free from the sin of drug use the same way he sets people free from all other sins—through faith in his Son.

Pharmakia is a more than just a thoroughly researched investigation of what the Bible says about this ancient form of sorcery. It is also a powerful, hope-filled message of God’s love for the millions of users and addicts all over the world. It shows us–straight from the Bible–that anyone can be delivered from drugs and demonic influence by Jesus Christ, just as the author was.

“The reality of the spiritual origins of drug use that every serious Christian needs to know. Some of this I already understood, but linking the pieces together has made much more sense of the true picture, and it is a more dangerous situation than I had previously known.”

– Scott P.

“The best book on the topic. Very well written. Every person should take time and read it!”

– Nellie O.

“THANK YOU! Lately God has been putting addicts in my path. I teach a bible class, and there are now eight former addicts or active users in it. Your book has prepared me to minister to them with Scripture! There just isn’t anything out there to compare to your work.”

– Karen C

“This book is a valuable weapon in the arsenal of a praying spouse or parent waging their own personal war against the devilish device of pharmekia. All I can say is you will never view witchcraft the same again. Eyes open. Mind blown. Read the book.”

–Lori M.

“Must read. Life changing. This is the book the world needs right now.”

–Ben G.

“I have been a follower of Jesus since 1976. I never had a problem with drugs, but all five of my children struggle with addiction. I have read basically everything on drug use and addiction, and I think your book is AMAZING! I also volunteer at a rehab facility. I started a faith-based small group there and we are going through your book one chapter per week. Eyes are being opened, and I am hopeful it will help them come to know JESUS!”

–Beverly B.

Pharmakia: The Biblical View of Drug Use

Table of Contents (447 Pages)

PART ONE: The Use of Drugs in Magic

Chapter 1: Drug Use in Shamanism

Chapter 2: Drug Use in Medieval Withcraft

Chapter 3: Magic Defined


PART TWO: Drug Use in the Bible

Chapter 4: Pharmakia

Chapter 5: Drug Use in the Law

Chapter 6: Drug Use in the Prophets

Chapter 7: Yahweh’s Messiah

Chapter 8: The Gospel of the Kingdom

Chapter 9: Drug Use in Galatians

Chapter 10: Drug Use in Revelation

Chapter 11: Why God Hates Drug Use 

PART THREE: The Devil, Demons, Man, and Magic

Chapter 12: Satan and His Angels

Chapter 13: Demonic Influence Demystified

Chapter 14: Sin: Doorway to Satan’s Kingdom

Chapter 15: The Operation of Demons in Magic

Chapter 16: Spiritual Perception and Deception


PART FOUR: The Modern Drug User

Chapter 17: The 1960s: Pharmakia Spreads Throughout the World

Chapter 18: Pharmakia Past and Present 

PART FIVE: Modern Drugs and Their Effects

Chapter 19: Stimulants

Chapter 20: Opiates

Chapter 21: Hallucinogens

Chapter 22: Marijuana and Hashish

Chapter 23: Designer Drugs


PART SIX: The Symptoms of Demonic Influence in Modern Drug Users

Chapter 24: Legion

Chapter 25: Violent Tendencies

Chapter 26: Superhuman Strength

Chapter 27: Panic Attacks

Chapter 28: Paranoia

Chapter 29: Mood Swings

Chapter 30: Suicide

Chapter 31: Sexual Immorality

Chapter 32: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

Chapter 33: Flashbacks

Chapter 34: Apathy

Chapter 35: Blackouts

Chapter 36: Hallucinations and OBE’s

Chapter 37: Discerning the Work of Demons


PART SEVEN: God’s Promise to Deliver Us

Chapter 38: God Heals the Whole Person

Chapter 39: God’s Promise to Deliver Us

Selected Excerpts

Click a link to preview the chapter.

Chapter 2: Drug Use in Medieval Witchcraft

Witches have used drugs in their magic for thousands of years. The Bible tells us that the witches of ancient Babylon used drugs, in Isaiah 47:9, 12. The witches of medieval Europe used them also. Many of the images of witchcraft that we see at Halloween are actually depictions of drug use.

Free Preview: Click here to read Chapter 2.

Chapter 4: Pharmakia

The Greek word that is used in the Bible to refer to the use of drugs in witchcraft and idolatry is “pharmakia.” (Some Greek references have “pharmakeia”). There are two Greek words that refer to those who use drugs: “pharmakos” and “epano.” The Bible refers to drug use and drug users a total of 37 times.

Free Preview: Click here to read Chapter 4.

Chapter 5: Drug Use in the Law

The magicians that served Pharaoh Amenhotep II during the Exodus used drugs to contact their gods. The God of the Bible, Yahweh, forbid drug use in Exodus 22:18, and Deuteronomy 18:10.

Free Preview: Click here to read a portion of Chapter 5.

“… by thy sorceries (Greek: pharmakia) were all nations deceived.”

—Revelation 18:23 KJV

A shaman in Africa smokes marijuana to contact his spirits …

… while a typical modern user smokes it to get high. He does not understand the spiritual effects of the drug.

About The Author: Robert Orem, Jr.

As a former addict, Orem knows the spiritual dangers of drug use firsthand. He was repeatedly attacked by demons during his using years, and shares several of his terrifying experiences in this book. He also knows God’s deliverance firsthand and has been drug-free for more than 27 years.

Like so many addicts, I started with pot. I first got high during my junior year of high school and I absolutely loved it. I thought weed was the answer – the way to live life to the fullest. I had more fun, made more friends, and felt more confident than I ever had before. By the end of my senior year I was smoking pot every day, and using cocaine, magic mushrooms, and pharmaceuticals on the weekends. The other drugs were fun, but weed was my drug of choice.

For two years my beloved worked its magic, but everything changed once I was addicted. Instead of feeling confident, I started to have panic attacks and often felt paranoid. Instead of being happy and having fun, I became deeply depressed and started having fits of rage. My moods would suddenly swing from one extreme to the other and I started to alienate my friends and family. My life was so centered around getting high that I couldn’t handle the few responsibilities I had as a student, and by the end of my freshman year of college I had dropped out, was unemployed, and was living at the beach in my van. I thought that was the bottom, but the hell had only begun, and things steadily got worse until I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

Jesus set me free of a lot of things, including my addiction to drugs. He healed me of my depression, anger, and shame and gave me a whole new heart – a whole new life. He then led me to research what the Bible says about drug use. I guarantee you, once you understand what God has to say about drugs, you’ll never look at them the same way again.

There’s a spiritual side to using that we don’t understand, and it’s demonic. It’s evil. I meet a lot of users and addicts who know they have encountered evil spirits, but they don’t understand why. The reason is … drug use is a type of witchcraft that opens people up to evil spirits! The Bible makes this clear once you understand its references to the sin of “pharmakia.”

The proof of the Bible’s teaching is everywhere. It can be seen in the lives of users. Panic attacks, paranoia, fits of rage, hallucinations, superhuman strength, out-of-body experiences, blackouts, mood swings, violence, and suicide are common symptoms of drug use, and they have all been associated with demonic influence. Demons also play a role in keeping people enslaved to drugs.

The sin of pharmakia affects us on every level of our being – body, soul, and spirit. Thankfully, Jesus heals us on every level when we come to faith in him. The fact that the Bible says drug use is a sin is good news! It means that every user and addict can quit using, by faith. Jesus sets us free from sin-all sin. Therefore, every user and addict can find freedom in Christ!

Everyday we read headlines that confirm the Bible’s warnings that drug use will be a global epidemic in the last days. (Revelation 18:23) Millions of people are practicing a dangerous form of witchcraft without knowing it, and exposing themselves to demonic influence, torment, and bondage. At the same time, Jesus is setting users and addicts completely free everyday.

What future do you choose?

Pharmakia: The Biblical View of Drug Use is available as an eBook or Paper Back.

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